How to make perfectly hard boiled eggs?

Chicken eggs are the most commonly eaten eggs when compared to other eggs. But many people find it difficult to get a perfectly hard boiled eggs. These hard boiled eggs can be stored in refrigerator and used it whenever it is needed.

Perfectly hard boiled eggs should have firm white portion but not rubbery. The yolk should be well cooked and needs to be creamy.


Eggs - 6 ( or 1 dozen )
Water as needed


  • In a sauce pan, place the eggs carefully and fill the water. Water level should be a little above the eggs. 
  • Bring it to a boil over medium heat slowly as the eggs may crack over high flame.
  • When the water is about to boil. Switch off the stove and let the vessel sit over the hot burner for 10 to 12 mins.
  • Use a colander to drain the water after 12 mins. Cool it down using running water. Peel the eggs and serve them.


  1. Thank you! I will update an egg masala which I made yesterday. It's very simple. Stay tuned for that!


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